Detailed Executive Pay Data

ERI’s Executive Compensation Assessor makes it easy to benchmark executive compensation packages for planning and reporting. Review data for executive salaries, bonuses, long-term incentives, non-equity incentives, stock awards, option awards, pension, and other compensation. Generate benchmarks relative to groups of peer companies and based on analysis of industry trends with our executive compensation software.

Benchmark over 1,600 executive job titles
View Positions Data
8,700+ Locations
Determine pay for jobs in over 8,700 locations
View 8,700+ Locations Data
1,100+ Industries
Salary data for over 1,100 industries
View 1,100+ Industries Data
Proxy Mentions
Browse our extensive proxy database
View Proxy Mentions Data

ERI’s Assessor Platform

We offer state-of-the-art software to analyze our massive salary database and fulfill your needs as a compensation professional. Learn more about all the other features that ERI’s Assessor Platform has to offer.

  • Manage complex compensation plans from planning to hire
  • Customize compensation rates based on experience, revenue/assets, skills, education, and certifications
  • Evaluate pay equity and much more
Global Locations

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What's New

  • Use number of employees as the organization size metric for any industry.
  • Store and retrieve data about internal jobs, easily match jobs, and export customized job descriptions.
  • Share custom lists with other users on the same account.
  • Create and analyze hybrid industries.
  • Export median years of experience by job in Advanced Reports.

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Current Features

Benchmark Executive Pay Rates
Calculate Competitive Levels of Salaries
Analyze Total Compensation Trends
Peer Proxy Data Analysis

What You Get

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